The standard software package includes the base set of features that are required by most customers for building a storage area network (SAN). The Cisco MDS 9000 Family also has a set of advanced traffic-engineering and advanced security features that are recommended for all enterprise SANs. These features are bundled together in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family Enterprise package. The Enterprise package includes the following advanced traffic-engineering features: Inter-VSAN Routing allows selective transfer of data traffic between specific initiators and targets on different virtual SANs (VSANs) without merging VSANs into a single logical fabric. Fiber Channel control traffic does not flow between VSANs, nor can initiators access resources except for the ones designated with Inter-VSAN Routing. Thus, Inter-VSAN Routing facilitates sharing of resources across VSANs without compromising the VSAN benefits of scalability, reliability, availability, and network security.
The Enterprise package includes the following enhanced network security features: Switch-Switch and Host-Switch Authentication - Fiber Channel Security Protocol (FC-SP) capabilities in SAN-OS provide Switch-Switch and Host-Switch Authentication.