The APC InfraStruXure Modular Power Distribution line is a fully scalable and hot-swappable 3-phase power distribution system. Through the innovative use of autotransformer technology, a tenfold increase in efficiency yields greater density, reduced floor space and much lower heat impact on today's power hungry datacenter. A fully scalable power distribution system now provides cost-effective high levels of availability, while enabling addition of circuits and cord-sets without scheduling outages or conducting dangerous hot work. Seamlessly integrating into today's state-of-the-art data center designs, the InfraStruXure PDU and RPP are true modular systems.
Comprised of a UL listed "touch-safe" backplane with (72) poles of 3-phase power and hot-swappable circuit breaker modules, all engineered into the worlds smallest footprint for power distribution units, this architecture can scale power distribution circuits as demand grows or as new equipment is required to be provisioned without the headache of scheduling outages, or risking hot-work.
The Modular PDU delivers the highest efficiency while also greatly decreasing the floor-space required for high availability applications. With industry leading power density, the InfraStruXure Modular PDU can distribute 11.5kW per circuit while only consuming 20 Amperes. This innovative approach for utilization of all available electricity means more power per whip at the same amperage. Other features include circuit breaker modules providing branch current and breaker positioning monitoring, pre-terminated cord-sets, and quick status LEDs. Use of higher distribution voltage also brings smaller diameter cord-sets, further reducing first costs.