VCX Gateways are an integral element of an enterprise converged network that includes legacy equipment. The gateways work with the VCX platform of the Convergence Applications Suite IP Telephony module to terminate or initiate sessions. Especially easy to control and high performing, these gateways are designed to interoperate with legacy equipment. Dynamic support for the latest compression algorithms minimizes bandwidth consumption and maximizes audio quality. Even for dial-up modems or outbound faxes, the gateways detect modem tones and enable transmission pass-through that is fast and reliable. The VCX Digital Gateway can support as few as one T1/E1 line or as many as 16. Using Channel Associated Signaling or Primary Rate Interface standards, customers can seamlessly control PBX trunking as part of an enterprise-wide IP telephony overlay. Used with the VCX IP telephony platform, these gateways can generate substantial cost savings for multisite enterprises with key features such as least cost routing. The overlay strategy allows staff who remain connected to digital PBXs to work at their most productive level. Some implementations also enable users with local or digital telephony service to benefit from advanced IP applications such as those provided by the IP Messaging module. Strengthening Customer Interactions VCX gateways support international standards in compression algorithms to balance audio quality with the economics of bandwidth management, letting organizations benefit from enhanced customer satisfaction and operational savings critical to business success. VCX gateways help enterprises lower costs, increase user productivity, and strengthen customer interactions.