The Cisco ONS 15454 60G/5G High-Order/Low-Order XC-VXC Cross-Connect Card (XC-VXC) increases the Cisco ONS 15454's virtual tributary (VT) 1.5 and VC-12 switching matrixes by a factor of four, facilitating greater support for grooming DS-1 and E1 services and low order members of virtual concatenation (VCAT) groups. The XC-VXC card operates in a protected 1:1 configuration, helping enable carrier-class high availability and supporting errorless side switching. In SONET systems, the card supports cross-connections at the VT-1.5, VT-2, STS-1, and STS-Xc (where X = 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, and 192) granularities.