The 2-pair (GRWIC-2SHDSL) symmetric high-bit-rate DSL GRWIC provides two ports of 2-wire or one port of 4-wire G. SHDSL connectivity to a WAN. G.SHDSL technology offers customers high-speed, symmetrical WAN connectivity at a lower cost than traditional WAN circuits. Together with the CGR 2010, the GRWIC provides energy infrastructure organizations with the necessary bandwidth for critical traffic and helps enable the option for point-to-point DSL that does not require a service provider.
The first standardized multirate symmetric DSL, G.SHDSL has been an accepted worldwide technology standard based on International Telecommunication Union's (ITU) recommendation G.991.2. G.SHDSL is designed to transport rate-adaptive symmetrical data across a single copper pair at data rates up to 2.304 Mbps for a
single pair, or up to 4.608 Mbps over two pairs.