- 199.5TB native capacity
- 399TB compressed
- Up to 140MB/s performance
- 280MB/s (compressed)
This version of the StorNext AEL500 Archive 199.5TB/399TB FC 8Gb/s 23U Tape Library comes with 133 Slots, four LTO-5 Tape Drives and Encryption.
The StorNext AEL Archives combine data management policies with cost-effective tape storage to deliver PBs of data accessible to users through a simple file system interface. The StorNext AEL500 Archive allows customers to retain over 600 TBs (over 400 slots). By combining the StorNext file system capabilities with the StorNext AEL, customers can store frequently-accessed data on high-performance storage and move seldom-accessed data to inexpensive tape media that requires very little power, cooling, or floor space. The data migration and tiering is all transparent to the customer - when a user saves a file to the StorNext file system, it remains accessible, regardless of its current location.