A film begins and ends with the magic of light and shade-from creating exuberant contrasts to sketching moods that viewers can get lost in, colors are crucial in impactful visual storytelling. Colorists, editors, and VFX specialists need to trust a monitor that reproduces high contrast and accurate colors because a subtle difference or inaccuracy can change the entire scene. The ThinkVision Creator Extreme with 4K UHD resolution, HDR1000 compatible, wide color gamut, and factory-calibrated color accuracy is the perfect monitor for filmmakers. With its 1152 mini-LED zones and 10,368 LEDs for dynamic local dimming, the monitor produces accurate visuals that allow you to design every frame with extreme precision. The Creator Extreme also has Smart Power that keeps a check on and regulates power delivery to any device connected to it via USB Type-C. The USB Type-C port ensures secure connectivity, making it a perfect tool for videographers and colorists.